Level-Up Line Edit

Fee: usually, £28 or $34 per thousand words (80,000 words = £2240 or $2720)*

*If you are working on a series, I give my regulars a discount! :)

What’s special about a level-up line edit is you can improve your story craft and prose on the go.

You’ll receive an editorial report that points out romance-plot pitfalls you may have fallen through and provides tips and tricks to avoid them in future. It can also give your novel a boost by identifying story-level issues that have simple fixes but won’t require extensive rewrites.

The editorial report will also address your problem writing patterns, often specific to romance, such as too much narrative distance caused by explaining, summarizing, and telling. I’ll outline what’s not working in your prose and offer solutions for how to address them, all of which you can apply to upcoming projects.

My line edits and comments tend to be extensive, and they’ll help you to write effectively, from setting up scenes, smoothing out pacing, crafting dialogue that pushes forward plotlines, to avoiding repetitive descriptions, ideas, and phrases.  

Some of my professional authors strategically use this edit to improve their manuscript and prose while continuously producing novels.

If that’s a strategy you’d like to try, let’s chat.

 What you get:

  • Editorial report – up to ten pages

  • Line/copy-edited manuscript with Track-Changes

  • Plenty of comments and feedback in your manuscript

  • Style sheet – a record of punctuation and style choices

  • One (one-hour) book-coaching session - a follow up chat to answer questions and provide more feedback.