Elite Developmental Edit

Fee: usually £35 or $41 per thousand words (80,000 words = £2800 or $3,250)

The biggest benefit of the elite dev edit is the romance plot outline.

It’s sort of a writing collaboration. First I track and analyze every beat of the romance plot in your manuscript.

When you get a beat right, I’ll explain why it’s successful and may offer suggestions for how to enhance the scene. If you haven’t quite nailed a beat, I'll highlight what’s not working and illustrate a possible solution by copy/pasting your scene into the outline and rewriting some sections in a friendly blue font. 

If you’ve missed a beat entirely, I’ll create an alternative scene using your original ideas to show you a potential new way forward.

You end up with a solid example of how the romance plot works with your story and your characters. This outline is for you to do with as you will—you may use it ‘as is’ in your rewrites or it can become a springboard for new and better ideas.

You’ll also receive an editorial report that identifies structural issues beyond the romance plot—like, character arcs, the main character’s external plot, story elements—providing you with more guidance toward improvement. 

If you’re feeling stuck with your manuscript and could use a fresh point of view, this edit may be the right choice.

 What you get:

  • Romance plot outline – up to 15 pages, single spaced

  • Editorial report – up to 15 pages, single spaced

  • Plenty of notes and comments in your manuscript

  • Full review - feedback on your revised manuscript