Classic Line/Copy Edit

Fee: usually, £20 or $26 per thousand words (80,000 words = £1600 or $2080)

A classic line/copy edit will help you to present your prose to best advantage from smoothing out scene transitions, to using dialogue tags and action beats appropriately and effectively, and avoiding repetitive phrases and words that can bog down narrative flow.

Bonus, as a romance specialist, I’m a pro with the logistics of sex scenes, from ensuring believable positions to dodging the awkwardness of too many hands and other repetitious body parts!

As your copy editor, I’ll be keeping track of time, too—making sure the years, months, seasons, weeks, days, hours are all logical within your manuscript. This edit will also prioritize punctuation and grammar ensuring your writing is clear and free from distractions.

You’ll also receive a style sheet that records grammar and word usage choices, for example whether you prefer ‘alright’ to ‘all right.’ Also to avoid any confusing mistakes, I’ll be keeping a record of important geographical locations, the names of characters, their physical appearance, and their relationships to one another.

If you’re looking for a professional polish, this could be the right edit for you.

 What you get:

  • Line/copy edited manuscript, all recorded with Track Changes

  • Comments within the manuscript

  • Style sheet – a record of punctuation and style choices

  • One (one-hour) book-coaching session - a follow up chat, or even brainstorming, after you’ve been through the docs.